Legal Training 【Understanding of contract practice】

This training provides participants with a basic understanding of contracts, helps them understand their importance from a practical perspective, and facilitates smooth transactions.

Get a basic understanding of contracts.

Who Benefits the Most

Young employees Experienced employees Managers

  • Corporate legal and general affairs professionals.
  • Employees involved in contract-related tasks (e.g., sales).
  • Managers overseeing contract management and creation.
Lineup Overview Feature

Information updated

Training in this category helps resolve further issues and concerns

Training Issue
  • Lack of understanding of contracts among employees responsible for obtaining signatures.
  • Need for foundational knowledge for new legal and general affairs staff.
  • Desire for proactive measures to prevent legal issues.
  • Requirement for managers to have contract expertise and provide guidance to their teams.

Legal Training Overview

What is Legal Training?
Legal training is designed to provide employees with a fundamental understanding of contracts, from basic concepts like "what is a contract?" to the nuances of contract formation and the specific points of various types of contracts.

The primary goal is to help employees grasp the significance of contracts from a practical standpoint, enabling them to prevent potential issues and foster smoother business transactions.

Legal Training Image

Why Equip Young Employees with Contract Knowledge?

In recent years, an increasing number of companies have begun offering legal training to their younger employees. Although it’s less common for junior staff to directly sign contracts, having a solid grasp of contracts is beneficial in today’s business environment, where interactions with clients often involve numerous contractual agreements.

By understanding the purpose and significance of contracts, young professionals can enhance their business acumen and skills.

What's in a Contract?

Many young employees may view contracts as complex documents filled with unfamiliar terms. However, contracts contain essential information about the terms of an agreement. While it's not necessary to memorize every detail, it's crucial to understand key elements such as payment terms, which are directly relevant to sales activities.

During legal training, participants will learn to systematically analyze contracts and understand the content.

Understanding Contract Content

Many young professionals may feel overwhelmed by the legal jargon in contracts. However, these documents contain critical information that directly impacts their daily work. Our training will equip your employees with the skills to decipher the key elements of a contract, including those most relevant to their specific roles.

Features of Legal Training

Our Legal Training Offers:

Step-by-step learning

Starting with the basics, we'll guide trainees through everything they need to know about contracts.

Practical application

Learn from real-world examples and practice drafting contracts to ensure everyone can apply a new knowledge right away.

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Lineup of Legal Training

Risk Management Basics Training

This training is designed to help participants understand all the risks that an organization holds and learn how to create a response plan.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Risk Management Basics Training In-company Risk Management Training [Mitigating Risk, Securing Success] 4 hours
(Can be changed)

Harassment Prevention Training

This training is designed to help participants understand the basics of harassment, how to create a harassment free workplace, as well as how to prevent and respond to it.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Harassment Prevention Training In-company Harassment Prevention Training [Strengthen the communication between employees] 6 hours
(Can be changed)

Compliance Training

This training is designed to help participants learn the points to be aware of to protect compliance and learn response techniques against troubles from this training.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Compliance Training In-company Compliance Training [Raise awareness of compliance amongst employees] 3 hours
(Can be changed)
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