Writing Training 【Make your writing easy to understand】

Learn about writing styles and put them into practice right away.

Who Benefits the Most

New Employee Young employees Experienced employees

  • New employees who need to learn the basics of business writing
  • Those who need to improve their writing skills and compose easy-to-understand documents
  • Those who work in sales, public relations, or other client-facing jobs that need to create appealing documents
Lineup Overview Feature

Information updated

Training in this category helps resolve further issues and concerns

Training Issue
  • New employees who write unprofessional emails that need a lot of corrections
  • Employees who are not good at organizing their writing
  • Employees who want to compose persuasive and convincing business documents in order to increase sales
  • Employees who want to review their writing skills

Writing Training Overview

The Business Writing Training category includes a number of courses that develop the writing skills needed in today's business world. Covering topics from business reports and SOP documents to advertising, public relations and social media content.

The focus is on practical training to learn how to compose effective documents that would get your message across.

Features of Writing Training

Reskill's Business Writing Training has the following features.

Focus on getting the message across

A theoretical foundation is necessary to create documents that achieve your objectives. This training is designed to develop skills that can be immediately applied to real-world situations, such as understanding how to write proper English and analyzing the subject of the writing.

Suitable for various situations

It is necessary to change writing styles depending on how and where a document will be published. The courses aim to consolidate trainees' knowledge by conducting exercises to create documents according to the scenario, and by actually practicing what has been learned.

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Lineup of Writing Training

Fundamental Writing Skills Training

This training is designed to improve writing skills needed in different kinds of projects, including internal documents, business reports and advertisements.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Fundamental Writing Skills Training In-company Writing Skills Training [To deliver messages clearly] 6 hours
(Can be changed)
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