This is a training program that aims to help participants understand the ideal image of their company and themselves, as required by customers and within the organization, and put it into action.
Young employees Experienced employees Managers
Our Motivational Thinking Training is designed to cultivate a "core-oriented" mindset, enabling individuals to grasp the essence of matters, envision the ideal state of their company and themselves, and translate these visions into actionable steps.
By developing the ability to grasp the essence of things and translate them into concrete actions, individuals naturally evolve into individuals sought after by clients and superiors. Through repeated training in discerning the core of matters, participants develop a habit of critical thinking.
By understanding the fundamental reason for an organization or job's existence and who it serves, individuals can grasp the qualities required of them within the organization and set improvement goals accordingly.
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Office Hours
Mon-Fri 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Local Time