Entry-Level Employee Training 【Essential training program for entry-level employees】

Developing young employees who are responsible and take initiative

Who Benefits the Most

New Employee Young employees

  • Those who have been with the company for less than 5 years
  • Those who need to gain theoretical and practical knowledge that will be immediately applied in the workplace
  • Those who want to know how to set their own goals and tackle challenges within the organization to move forward
Lineup Overview Feature

Information updated

Training in this category helps resolve further issues and concerns

Training Issue
  • Develop high-potential junior employees: This program focuses on developing the skills of junior employees, allowing them to become role models for others and build a strong foundation for their future careers.
  • Support long-tenured employees: This program addresses the needs of employees who may feel less confident in their roles after being with the company for a long time. It can help them refresh their skills and knowledge and become more confident in their roles.
  • Refresh skills and knowledge: Experienced employees can benefit from revisiting and solidifying their understanding of foundational business skills and knowledge.
  • Up-skill for new roles: This program helps experienced employees who are transitioning to new roles or who are interested in expanding their knowledge by learning about other departments within the company.

Entry-Level Employee Training Overview

This training category covers courses that help junior employees gain all necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in their careers

It is designed to assist employees in coping with the challenges and issues that arise after a certain period of employment.

Entry-Level Employee Training  image

Features of Entry-Level Employee Training

Reskill's training for junior employees has the following features:

Reskill's training can be applied to various business purposes.

To address the diverse needs of companies, Reskill offers a variety of training programs that tackle specific business challenges. These programs include training on utilizing business frameworks and fostering employee initiative.

Reskill's training enhances employee motivation and role understanding

The training helps employees gain a solid understanding of their roles and the expectations of both the company and their colleagues. It also allows employees to develop a deeper self-awareness of their abilities and identify areas for improvement.

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Lineup of Entry-Level Employee Training

Training Program For Entry-Level Employees

This training program equips participants with the skills to overcome various workplace challenges and proactively address them in the future.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Training Program  For Entry-Level Employees In-company New Employee Basic Training [Intensive Course] 6 hours
(Can be changed)
Training Program  For Entry-Level Employees In-company HORENSO Business Communication Half-Day Training 3 hours
(Can be changed)
Training Program  For Entry-Level Employees In-company Phone etiquette training for new employees 6 hours
(Can be changed)
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