Problem Solving Training 【Understand the problem solving process】

This training is designed to teach employees to take responsibility and solve problems independently in order to create a highly efficient organization.

Learn the procedure and methods of finding and solving problems.

Who Benefits the Most

New Employee Young employees Experienced employees

  • For mid-level employees, managers and young employees.
  • For those who want to develop problem-solving skills to take the initiative and troubleshoot at work.
  • For those who want to develop problem-solving skills but do not have the means to do so.
Lineup Overview Feature

Information updated

Training in this category helps resolve further issues and concerns

Training Issue
  • For those who rely solely on experience to solve problems as they arise at work, but can not provide once-and-for-all solutions.
  • For those who want to teach new hires about problem-solving.
  • For those who are approaching problems in their own various styles instead of developing solid problem-solving skills for the team.
  • When there is no opportunity to learn the process of problem solving in a systematic way.

Problem Solving Training Overview

Problem-solving training is designed to teach the procedure and methods of finding and solving problems.

The goal is to create an organization that runs effectively and efficiently by developing employees' problem-solving skills for the day-to-day operation of the company.

What kind of person who has excellent problem-solving ability ?

Employees with excellent problem-solving skills can identify, outline, and approach issues logically, and create a systematic structure to prevent the same problems from happening again.

A company would especially appreciate someone who can create logical solutions that can be shared with other workers, rather than randomly solve problems as they arise.

The necessary skills for problem solving

Problems occur at work. However, rules of thumb and random ideas do not create a long-term solution.

Employees have to develop the necessary skills and follow the correct methods to deal with problems and issues in a professional way.

Skills-based training

① Skills to identify the problem

First, employees need to identify the problem itself by getting the big picture and breaking down the issue.

② Skills to discover the cause

Employees should keep asking "why?", until they find the cause of the problem. There might be more than one reason behind a problem, but it is also important to decide which causes need to be addressed.

③ Skills to plan and execute a solution

Once employees identify the problem and the cause, they will develop a plan to fix them.
The plan will need to be carefully examined before the actual implementation.

To execute the plan, employees must then set a clear goal and make action plans. Finally, they will also evaluate their solution based on the results.

Features of Problem Solving Training

Reskill's Problem Solving Training has the following features.

Various training content available to meet your specific needs

We offer specific training sessions for each step of the problem-solving process, including basic session, problem-discovery session, analysis session, and solution session.

Learn the problem-solving process and know-how that can be applied at work right away

By learning problem-solving methods, employees will be able to create a highly productive organization with accumulated know-how.

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Lineup of Problem Solving Training

Problem Solving Training

This training is designed to teach employees to take responsibility and solve problems independently in order to create a highly efficient organization.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Problem Solving Training In-company Problem Solving Training Basics [How to proactively solve problems] 6 hours
(Can be changed)

Design Thinking Training

This training teaches design thinking skills to help participants solve problems from a customer-centric perspective.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Design Thinking Training In-company Design Thinking Training Basics [Practical skills in professional settings] 6 hours
(Can be changed)

Critical Thinking Training

This training is designed to help participants learn how to think objectively, analyze and identify issues, and promote work efficiency.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Critical Thinking Training In-company Critical Thinking Training [Learn to analyze objectively] 6 hours
(Can be changed)
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