Diversity Training 【Increase Diversity】

Participants will learn about utilizing diversity in a workplace through differences in gender, racial, cultural, religious, academic, or professional background.

Diversity Training to have a more diverse awareness

Who Benefits the Most

Young employees Experienced employees Managers

  • Team members or leaders who are considering to have a diverse workforce
  • HR staff who are responsible for interacting with excellent human resources in various positions and situations.
  • For those who want to create an environment with a balance between work and childcare or nursing.
Lineup Overview Feature

Information updated

Training in this category helps resolve further issues and concerns

Training Issue
  • Those who are concerned with how workers react toward new hires.
  • Those who want to prevent problems by hiring a variety of people and creating a comfortable working environment.
  • Prevent workers with the right skills from quitting due to an uncomfortable work environment.
  • Those who want to increase team or organization performance through the hiring of a variety of workers.

Diversity Training Overview

We have various training programs prepared to help organizations with taking advantage of a melting pot of workers. Participants will learn about utilizing diversity in a workplace through differences in gender, racial, cultural, religious, academic, or professional background.

Increase Diversity Within an Organization

Recently, it is important for companies to interact with people from different backgrounds. Similarly, it has become an important theme for companies to enhance diversity such as female empowerment.

What Is Organizational Diversity?

Many people might link diversity to something to do with gender or cultural representation. However, diversity is more about creating an inclusive, comfortable work environment.

For example, female empowerment is more than creating a work environment for those who are married. It is also necessary to consider creating an environment that maintains psychological safety for the entire team, as well as encouraging men who have partners who want to be active.

The benefits of increasing diversity

The following changes can be found in companies that increase diversity in their workplace.

Securing the Right Workers

Full-time workers are not the only asset in a company. Some workers come from different backgrounds or have their reasons. People can be an essential asset to the company by accepting different ways of working.

Have New Perspectives

New perspectives are introduced when people of different backgrounds are collected. Not only at the levels of ideas but also the expansion of the thought process.

What is Diversity Management?

The Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry defines diversity management as "managment that takes advatnage of diverse human resources by creating innovations and providing opportunities for them to maximize their abilities."

Creating a comfortable work environment where workers can be themselves has its benefits such as increased productivity and enhanced competitive skills.

Features of Diversity Training

Reskill's Diversity Training has the following features

A Curriculum With Clear Objectives

The goal is to help the organization with the concept of diversity and help participants learn the practical preparation and planning necessary for that certain environment. In Japan, diversity is used more often in terms of gender, childcare, work style, and employment of people with disabilities than in terms of race, religion, etc. The training menu is structured to cover any of these issues.

A Training Program That Can Be Applied Immediately

The training program will conduct discussions or share experiences based on actual events. Then, participants will discuss what the company can begin with and the obstacles to the company's goals.

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Lineup of Diversity Training

Diversity Basic Training

This training is designed to teach participants how to have an inclusive mindset and how to create an organization with diverse range of employees.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Diversity Basic Training In-company Half-Day Diversity Training [Effective communication with different people] 3 hours
(Can be changed)
Diversity Basic Training In-company Diversity Training: 1.5-hour edition [Creating a safe work environment] 1.5 hours
(Can be changed)
Diversity Basic Training E-Learning Diversity & Inclusion Training 56分

Unconscious Bias Training

The goal of the training is to learn about bias patterns and their tendencies. Participants will also learn how to identify and deal with biases immediately.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Unconscious Bias Training In-company Unconscious Bias Half-Day Training 3 hours
(Can be changed)
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