Leadership Skills Training 【Streamlining teamwork】

Invest in leadership development and unlock the potential of your team. This training program offers practical strategies for effective leadership and team building.

Develop leaders who will lead your team to success

Who Benefits the Most

Experienced employees Managers

  • Managers, experienced employees, and individuals in other leadership roles.
  • New managers who have recently been assigned to lead teams.
  • Employees who aspire to become leaders in the future.
Lineup Overview Feature Curriculum

Information updated

Training in this category helps resolve further issues and concerns

Training Issue
  • For leaders who want to know how to work with their team.
  • For leaders who are struggling with balancing management work and administrative work.
  • For leaders who want to build a productive team.
  • For mid-level employees to learn about leadership so they can move up the career ladder.

Leadership Skills Training Overview

Leadership Skills Training teaches the basic skills needed for a team leader and how to demonstrate leadership skills to ensure smooth operations.

What is leadership?

Leadership is often confused with personal charisma. While charisma is a quality often found in leaders, it's getting more difficult to lead a team relying solely on personal charisma in today's rapidly changing world.

Real leadership is about taking action as a leader rather than simply showing personal charisma. It is about responsibility and credibility rather than privilege and power structure.

Our training program places emphasis on leadership skills that can be acquired by anyone.

Why is leadership important nowadays?

We live in a constantly changing world that demands diversity. However, diversity alone does not help an organization gain better results.
For an organization to achieve results, it must incorporate diversity and work together in the same direction as a team.

Leadership is about giving direction and guidance to a team, and bringing its members together to advance toward a shared goal.

Reskill's leadership training prepares leaders with communication skills for building a goal-focused team.

The 4 essential actions of leadership

4 actions employees want from leaders.

Create Vision

This is the most important role of a leader. The foundation of effective leadership is to provide team members with a clear vision for the future. Without a defined direction, team cooperation will be lacking.

Cultivating Team Cooperation

Once a clear direction has been established, a leader must guide and support the team in efficiently realizing that vision.

Empowering Team

Effective communication is essential for motivating and empowering team members. It's the leader's job to coordinate the team and make effective use of each member's capabilities.

Be a role model

Teamwork cannot exist without a common goal and mutual trust.
A leader must exemplify the values and behaviors expected within the team.

The purpose of leadership training

Leadership Training helps participants understand the significance and methodology of each leadership action.
Leadership skills are developed through practice and understanding, not solely based on personal traits.
This training focuses on the leadership skills that can be put into practice right after the training.

Features of Leadership Skills Training

Reskill's Leadership Training is designed to empower leaders and drive results.

From knowledge to action.

Effective leaders demonstrate their skills through action, not just thoughts. Our training will help participants understand how to change their behavior for the better. It also includes workshop sessions where participants can practice how to use the leadership skills at work.

Applicable in different cases.

Reskill offers various training courses to help leaders achieve different goals such as team productivity, team efficiency, and team motivation.

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Lineup of Leadership Skills Training

Leadership Skills Training

Invest in leadership development and unlock the potential of your team. This training program offers practical strategies for effective leadership and team building.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Leadership Skills Training In-company Leadership training [Manage teams and achieve results] 6 hours
(Can be changed)
Leadership Skills Training E-Learning Leadership Training 60分

Team Communication Training

This training is designed to help improve communication within the workplace in order to facilitate smoother workflow. We provide training programs for different levels and communication scenarios.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Team Communication Training In-company Basic Communication Training [Building Good Human Relations] 6 hours
(Can be changed)

Training Curriculum

Here is an example of a curriculum for Leadership Skills Training. Please use it as a reference for the flow of the training.

  1. 01Leadership and its role


    Understand what leadership is

    • What is leadership?
    • Theory of leadership
    • Qualities needed to be a leader
    • Difference between leadership and management
  2. 02Showing direction


    To recognize the primary objective of a leader and the team purpose

    • The necessity of team purpose
    • Check the status of your own team
    • Why is it essential to have and understand your team’s purpose?/ Google Japanese Input
    • How to create a team purpose/
    • Planning
    • Progress management methods Goal setting and KPI
  3. 03Creating a productive team environment


    Create a team where everyone can contribute and fully utilize their skills

    • Cultivate independence
    • Clarification scope of authority to team members/ Consider your current participant’s job
    • How to organize a more productive team meetings/ Meeting facilitation
    • Time management
  4. 04Effective Communication


    Acquire communication skills to effective teamwork

    • Principles of communication
    • Communication skills required of leaders
    • Building trusting relationship
    • Do you listen actively?
    • How to appreciate employees effectively/Workshop practice
    • How to give feedback effectively
  5. 05Personal Characteristics Required for Leadership


    Understanding the qualities and characteristics of a leader

    • Marshmallow challenge
    • Create a safe environment
    • What a leader should be like
    • Keep your promises and be responsible for the decisions
    • Self-analysis
  6. LASTActing as a role model leader


    Understand the actions needed to become a trusted leaders and set future goals

    • To be trusted and act as a role model
    • Growth mindset
    • Developing feasible ideas/ Ideation Methods
    • Think logically and explain clearly
    • Awareness and action thinking logically
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