Presentation Skills Training 【Create a presentation that is straightforward and easy-to-understand.】

This training is designed to help participants learn how to conduct a comprehensible presentation.

Gain the skill of creating an easy to understand presentation.

Who Benefits the Most

New Employee Young employees Mid-level employees

  • For those who would like to learn about presentation from the very beginning.
  • For salespeople and PR staff who are responsible for explaining their products or services to clients and other companies.
  • For those who want to improve their presentation skills.
Lineup Overview Feature Curriculum

Information updated

Training in this category helps resolve further issues and concerns

Training Issue
  • When the majority of the employees are having a hard time conveying the company's ideas or intentions to others.
  • When employees are delivering unclear and confusing presentations.
  • When the presentations end up being one-sided as there are no reactions from the audience.
  • Wanting to improve sales performance by creating an impressive presentation.

Presentation Skills Training Overview

Presentation skills training is designed for salespeople and employees who are responsible for presenting proposals or business reports.

Participants will learn what makes a presentation easy to understand. They will do practical work through this training session.

Key Points in Delivery

The main purpose of a presentation is to convince the audience and persuade them to take action.

This can be achieved if you think from the opponent's perspective and figure out how to communicate more effectively.

Features of Presentation Skills Training

Reskill's Presentation Skills Training has the following features.

Program that prepares trainees for real-world scenarios.

Participants will take a moment to reflect on what issues they have with presentations. They will learn basic principles and theories to help present in front of an audience.The curriculum is designed to improve practical skills, such as making improvements based on the opinions of the participants.

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Lineup of Presentation Skills Training

Presentation Skills Training

This training is designed to help participants learn how to conduct a comprehensible presentation.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Presentation Skills Training In-company Presentation Skills Training [Basic Course] 6 hours
(Can be changed)

Powerpoint Presentation Training

This training helps participants increase their skills in creating persuading and effective PowerPoint presentations.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Powerpoint Presentation Training In-company PowerPoint Presentation Training [Design Course] 6 hours
(Can be changed)
Powerpoint Presentation Training In-company PowerPoint Presentation Training Basic Course 6 hours
(Can be changed)

Training Curriculum

Here is an example of a curriculum for Presentation Skills Training. Please use it as a reference for the flow of the training.

  1. 01The purpose of a presentation


    Clarify the purpose of a presentation

    • Work: Identify current challenges
    • The essential purpose of a presentation
    • Be aware of things that lead people to take action
    • Presentation Evaluation
  2. 02Planning


    Learn how to plan a presentation, which is the most important part of the process

    • The 3 P's of presentation
    • The 5W1H approach to presentation planning
    • Determine the purpose
    • Work: Try to find out the purpose using case studies
    • Think about the target audience
    • What to present
    • Determine: When, How Long, How, Where, and Method
  3. 03Preparing (Create a story)


    Build a whole story

    • A story is
    • The characteristics of a story that people can easily understand and benefit from
    • Storytelling methods that facilitate content building (PREP method / SDS method / QC method)
    • Key points of creating Powerpoint slides (Content length/Title/Eye flow/Color usage)
    • Presentation rehearsal
  4. 04Presenting


    Understand how to express ideas during a presentation

    • The importance of the actual presentation
    • Be specific
    • Speak in a conversational tone
    • Start a conversation
    • Body language
    • Eye contact
    • Ice breakers
    • Managing presentation nerves
  5. LASTPresentation Practice


    Give actual presentations and learn through practice

    • Work: Presentation Exercise
    • Feedback from trainers
    • *Presentation topics can be decided upon discussion with trainers
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