Personal Development Training 【Building strong Teams and Leaders】

Developing Proactive and Initiative-Taking Employees

Who Benefits the Most

Young employees Experienced employees Managers

  • Entry-level and experienced employees who are expected to demonstrate teamwork and followership.
  • Entry-level managers struggling to balance leadership and followership.
  • Those who want to learn how to enhance team cohesion and promote proactivity in team-based work.
Lineup Overview Feature

Information updated

Training in this category helps resolve further issues and concerns

Training Issue
  • Team cohesion among highly skilled professionals.
  • Cultivate of high potential employees who can effectively support the development of leaders
  • Encourage younger employees to adopt a team-oriented attitude
  • Increase self-motivation and desire to accomplish team goals

Personal Development Training Overview

This training category focuses on developing essential skills for team members, including followership and teamwork. Followership training helps individuals work independently while supporting their leaders, while teamwork training emphasizes the importance of recognizing individual roles and contributing to the team's success.

Features of Personal Development Training

Clear Goals:

To achieve team goals effectively, it's crucial for team members to have a crystal-clear understanding of their individual roles. By completing their assigned tasks and actively supporting their colleagues, team members can significantly contribute to the team's overall success. This comprehensive training program helps to foster a strong foundation of membership and followership within the team.

Addressing Diverse Challenges:

We offer a wide range of training programs specifically designed to tackle various challenges faced by team leaders. These programs can help improve team collaboration, increase efficiency, and boost team member motivation.

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Lineup of Personal Development Training

Leadership Skills Training

Invest in leadership development and unlock the potential of your team. This training program offers practical strategies for effective leadership and team building.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Leadership Skills Training In-company Leadership training [Manage teams and achieve results] 6 hours
(Can be changed)
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Mon-Fri 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Local Time