Visual Thinking Training 【Problem visualization】

This training is designed to help participants understand the benefits of thinking and expressing ideas through diagrams. By visualizing current situations and challenges, participants will develop the skills to identify problems and uncover pathways to solutions and actionable proposals.

Learn to visualize thoughts in an easy-to-understand manner.

Who Benefits the Most

New Employee Young employees Experienced employees

  • Experienced professionals, managers, and junior staff.
  • Employees who want to develop clear and concise materials for decision-making.
  • Simplify complex problems and streamline processes.
Lineup Overview Feature

Information updated

Training in this category helps resolve further issues and concerns

Training Issue
  • Professionals who want to enhance their communication and problem-solving skills through visual thinking.
  • Teams looking to foster creativity and innovation by encouraging visual thinking and idea generation.
  • Employees who want to learn how to visualize complex information and ideas.
  • Leaders who want to make more impactful presentations by using visuals to engage their audience and strengthen their message.

Visual Thinking Training Overview

Our Visual Thinking Training is designed to help participants understand the benefits of thinking and expressing ideas visually. By creating various diagrams, participants can effectively visualize problems and identify solutions.
The goal of this training is to enable participants to visualize current situations and challenges by diagramming events, ideas, and key points. This approach helps uncover paths to solutions or actionable proposals.

Applications of Visual Thinking

Visual thinking is a versatile skill that can enhance many everyday tasks. Here are some examples of its applications:

Creating Materials

Traditional text-heavy documents can be difficult to comprehend, making it challenging to highlight key points. By incorporating visual elements, such as diagrams or infographics, into presentations and reports, participants can convey complex information quickly and effectively.

Organizing Information and Identifying Issues

Visualizing thoughts helps organize complex information, even for personal use. For instance, mapping out a business process provides a clearer understanding of workflows, enabling employees to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

Visual Thinking Training Image2

Features of Visual Thinking Training

Gradual learning progression

Participants will learn to create various diagrams, such as Pareto charts and matrices, tailored to specific purposes. This step-by-step approach ensures a thorough understanding of the effectiveness and content of each diagram.

Immediate practical application

Following the learning of various diagramming techniques, participants will engage in practical exercises to apply visual thinking to problem-solving. This hands-on experience allows for immediate implementation of the learned skills in daily work.


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Lineup of Visual Thinking Training

Design Thinking Training

This training teaches design thinking skills to help participants solve problems from a customer-centric perspective.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Design Thinking Training In-company Design Thinking Training Basics [Practical skills in professional settings] 6 hours
(Can be changed)

Critical Thinking Training

This training is designed to help participants learn how to think objectively, analyze and identify issues, and promote work efficiency.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Critical Thinking Training In-company Critical Thinking Training [Learn to analyze objectively] 6 hours
(Can be changed)

Problem Solving Training

This training is designed to teach employees to take responsibility and solve problems independently in order to create a highly efficient organization.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Problem Solving Training In-company Problem Solving Training Basics [How to proactively solve problems] 6 hours
(Can be changed)

Essential Planning Skills Training

Planning Training is designed to help participants acquire the skills to create proposals and plans that can be used at a practical level, and to enhance their personal development and contribution to the business.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Essential Planning Skills Training In-company Planning Skills Training [Create a practical proposal] 6 hours
(Can be changed)
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