Business Etiquette Training 【Create a lasting positive impression】

This training is designed to help business professionals understand the essential etiquette required for smooth communication and to make a better impression.

Acquire the etiquette know-how required for day-to-day business operations.

Who Benefits the Most

New Employee Young employees

  • New employees who should learn business basics from scratch.
  • Recent graduates or young mid-career employees who have not yet taken business etiquette training.
  • Those who need to review the basics of business etiquette, such as how to deal with clients.
Lineup Overview Feature

Information updated

Training in this category helps resolve further issues and concerns

Training Issue
  • For those who worry about new employees' attitude and behavior.
  • For those concerned about using inappropriate language at work.
  • For those who need to improve their language and communication skills in order to perform their job duties effectively.
  • For those who struggle with managing difficult conversations or conflict resolution.
  • For those who want to improve their communication skills and ensure customer satisfaction.

Business Etiquette Training Overview

A business etiquette course explains how to conduct yourself in various business scenes with diverse individuals from various backgrounds in order to create a good impression and facilitate smooth communication. There is a training program available to all levels of employees, including those who specialize in home visits.

Business etiquette training, commonly conducted as part of new employee orientation, is conducted to achieve the following objectives:

To enhance customer trust by following etiquette.

Business etiquette is one of the most common communication methods regardless of age. Even if a business person achieves significant results, it is impossible to establish a positive relationship with customers if they behave insensitively or insincerely. Attending to details such as tone of voice and word choice can help gain trust from a wide range of generations. This can lead to long-term relationships.

To receive objective evaluations.

Although the target of business etiquette training is often new employees, mid-career employees and managers also need to update their business etiquette. For example, there are many cases where mistakes are made in business etiquette by managers. However, their business partners and subordinates cannot point them out, and the person themselves may not know. By entrusting the training to an external training provider, all employees have the opportunity for regular review, and the effect of having others objectively confirm their behavior can be achieved.

Features of Business Etiquette Training









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Lineup of Business Etiquette Training

Business Etiquette Training

This training is designed to help business professionals understand the essential etiquette required for smooth communication and to make a better impression.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Business Etiquette Training In-company Japanese business etiquette training for foreign employees [Acquiring cultural competence] 6 hours
(Can be changed)

Customer Service Training

Participants in this training will review the importance of customer service, and learn how to think and take actions from the customer's point of view.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Customer Service Training In-company Customer Satisfaction Training [Win the hearts of customers] 6 hours
(Can be changed)
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