Diversity Basic Training 【Accepting various perspectives.】

This training is designed to teach participants how to have an inclusive mindset and how to create an organization with diverse range of employees.

Accept different values and integrate the benefits of diversity.

Who Benefits the Most

New Employee Young employees Experienced employees Managers

  • For workplaces that need workers of diverse backgrounds.
  • For HR staff who work closely with employees of various backgrounds.
  • For those who would like to learn more about diversity from a working perspective.
Lineup Overview Feature

Information updated

Training in this category helps resolve further issues and concerns

Training Issue
  • For those who do not clearly understand what diversity is about and what needs to be done to create a diverse workforce.
  • For those who want to know how to build a company where it accepts different point of view.
  • Wanting to increase individual worker's mindset towards diversity.
  • Wanting all employees to understand how diversity can be beneficial to the company.

Diversity Basic Training Overview

Diversity Training teaches participants the basics about diversity and how to build an organization with people who understand different ways of thinking.

The goal is to maximize work performance through diversity management by recognizing each other's differences and understanding the communication cycle theory.

What is the communication cycle theory?

This theory is about acknowledging differences, understanding different values, defining the way things should be, and changing the way things are done.

Features of Diversity Basic Training

Reskill's Diversity Basics Training has the following features.

Learn practical knowledge in line with the concept of diversity.

The goal is to create an organization based on the ideas of diversity. To achieve this, participants will learn the necessary knowledge on preparation, planning, and creation of a comfortable working environment.

A tailored training program that meets specific customer needs.

With various case studies, trainees will have an open-ended discussion and think about the ideal solution for the company and the challenges that might come along.

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Lineup of Diversity Basic Training

Diversity Basic Training

This training is designed to teach participants how to have an inclusive mindset and how to create an organization with diverse range of employees.

Training Course TitleTraining Duration
Diversity Basic Training In-company Half-Day Diversity Training [Effective communication with different people] 3 hours
(Can be changed)
Diversity Basic Training In-company Diversity Training: 1.5-hour edition [Creating a safe work environment] 1.5 hours
(Can be changed)
Diversity Basic Training E-Learning Diversity & Inclusion Training 56分
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