Phone etiquette training for new employees

Learn the fundamentals of smooth business telephone etiquette for success in the corporate world

The Phone Etiquette Training for New Employees equips participants with the essential skills to navigate business phone calls with confidence and professionalism, ensuring a positive and memorable first impression.

3 Keys Features of Reskill Training

Full Preparatory Support

You will receive support not only during the training, but also prior to it. A complete set of training material and equipment will be delivered to you by mail beforehand. This will allow you to receive high-quality training with minimum preparation time.

Flat Rate Pricing

With the concept of "More Training", we make the courses available at a clear fixed price, even for a customized single-company training program that provides an excellent training environment.

Online Training Options

We offer various training formats with no additional charge, whether it be in-person, online, or a hybrid of both(partially web-based). Please feel free to contact us regarding your needs.

Training Code: 100659   Information updated:

Phone etiquette training [Polishing customer service for a great first impression] Goals

The Phone Etiquette Training for New Employees goes beyond simply teaching business phone etiquette. It empowers new employees to confidently handle any phone call situation through immersive role-playing exercises.

Who Benefits the Most

The following is a general list of target participants for the training and can be adjusted upon review. Please contact us regarding your needs.

New business professionals and those who strive to build a company with strong service culture

Result of Phone etiquette training [Polishing customer service for a great first impression]

  1. Gain the ability to handle business phone calls with professionalism and finesse, ensuring appropriate responses in any situation.
  2. Develop the art of voice communication that leaves a positive and lasting impression on callers, fostering strong relationships and enhancing your company's reputation.
  3. Provide participants with confidence and poise when handling business interactions and handling complaints.

Training Objectives

1. Learn how to handle phone calls professionally

Reaffirm the significance of representing your company as a professional. Through lectures and workshops, you will acquire the necessary skills to handle business phone calls effectively.

2. Learn how to communicate in a smooth and comfortable way that leaves a positive impression.

It's difficult to grasp the other person's mood when you can't see their face. However, a single mistake can negatively affect your company's reputation. Learning effective speaking techniques helps not only leave a favorable impression but also build rapport with customers and business partners.

3. Practice business calls to gain confidence

By actively participating in these exercises, participants will gain insights into their habits and areas for improvement, becoming more comfortable handling phone calls overall.

Estimated Training Duration

7 hours (subject to change)

Phone etiquette training [Polishing customer service for a great first impression] Curriculum

Other training content can be incorporated into the curriculum upon request at no additional charge.

1. Professional phone handling [Goal] Understand the expectations and requirements for professional phone etiquette in a business setting
  • [Exercise] Reflect on recent phone interactions, to identify examples of the positive and negative aspects.
  • The basics of professional phone etiquette [Creating a positive impression of the company, Impact of good and bad telephone etiquette]
  • Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of phone calls compared to other communication methods like email.
  • The mindset that new employees should have to approach phone calls with a sense of responsibility and professionalism.
  • Actions expected of new employees [Proactively answer the phone calls, Creating a good first impression, Facilitating smooth transfers of calls]
2. Telephone etiquette [Goal] Obtain a comprehensive understanding of telephone etiquette
  • Key points for effective phone communication [Maintain good posture, Focus on listening more than speaking, Speak clearly]
  • Basic manners [Answer quickly, Essential phrases, How to handle sales calls]
  • Appropriate language [Word choice, Useful terms, Common phrases, Cushion words]
  • [Exercise] Review and refine a sample phone transcript to enhance effectiveness and professionalism.
  • Speaking tips [Speak with a clear, confident, and pleasant tone to convey professionalism and approachability, Importance of interjections]
  • Inappropriate phone communication [Lack of listening skills, being passed around, ending the call abruptly.]
  • [Exercise] Points to be careful of your phone calls from now on.
3. Incoming & outgoing calls [Goal] Develop the skills necessary to handle calls professionally
  • How to Answer the Phone [Greetings, Answering flow step by step]/[Exercise] Proper greeting
  • Tips for inbound calls [Avoid making the customer wait, Use questions wisely, 5W3H frame, Affirmative speech, Polite customer requests, Paraphrase]
  • How to transfer calls [Confirm who is taking the call, Handling situations when the call cannot be transferred]
  • How to take a message [Important points, How to convey the message]
  • [Exercise] Transferring a call
  • Making an outbound calls [Flow and timing of making calls, Conveying information clearly, PREP method]
  • [Exercise] PREP method practice
4. Business email writing [Goal] Effectively utilize email as a communication tool in a professional setting
  • Key components of a well-structured email [Succinct, Professional, Reply quickly, Don’t become a slave to emails, Compliance issue].
  • How to write emails [To, CC, Bcc, Subject, Body, Signature]
  • [Exercise] Email writing [Composing an actual email message, applying the principles and guidelines discussed].
5. Handling complaints [Goal] Understanding how to handle complaints over the phone and via email
  • Basic flow for handling complaints
  • Handling complaints over the phone [Listen, Put yourself in the other person's position]
  • [Exercise] Handling complaint calls
  • Handling complaints by email
6. Role-playing practice [Goal] Practice responding to various scenarios
  • Role-Plays:
  • [Case 1] Urgent matter, but the person in charge is unavailable
  • [Case 2] Providing directions to visit the company
  • [Case 3] Quotation request

Training Cost

We provide tailored training programs for an entire company at a fixed rate. We will send you a quotation based on estimated training duration and number of participants.

  • The number of participants, training content and training formats can all be adjusted afterwards with no additional charge.
  • Last minute changes can be made with no additional charge.

Phone etiquette training [Polishing customer service for a great first impression] Participant Requirements

No special knowledge is required.


Online and in-person training are available worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to get a quotation in 10 seconds.
Yes. The course is designed to meet the needs of our clients and teach skills that can be put into practice right away.
Online and partially web-based courses are both available upon request.

List of Frequently Asked Questions>

Related Training Information

This page is about Phone etiquette training [Polishing customer service for a great first impression] course planned for a single company. Please see below for other training courses and related training programs.

Training Information Summary Page

Public Lectures

  • There are no public lectures at the moment.



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